Good Tests vs Bad Tests and why you shouldn't repeat them
A little rant on this concept of Good Tests vs Bad Tests and whether a good test (case) is a repeatable one.

A little rant on this concept of Good Tests vs Bad Tests and whether a good test (case) is a repeatable one.
Here’s the imperfect transcript:
Hi everyone, Chris Kenst here.
So my topic today is I want to talk about the difference between a good test and a bad test.
There’re two reasons that I bring this up today:
- One I saw yet another article talking about how to create effective test cases and then going on to say they should be repeatable, which is of course, wrong your test should not be repeatable.
- Two I have been asking this question as I hire for my third software tester here at Promenade group.
I am hiring somebody that’s going to be a senior tester. And I think one thing that a senior-level person should be able to do is differentiate between what makes a good test good and a bad test bad.
But so far in the, I want to say 15 or so, maybe 20 at this point candidates that I have asked this over email, very few have been actually able to describe what makes a good test and what makes a bad test. Most candidates seem to fall into this trap of what I saw in this article which is just bad advice where every test is a scenario regardless of what it is that you’re doing.
And this strikes me as very odd because it’s deeply violates this understanding of providing value.
So if you were to hire somebody to do a job and regardless of how the job changed over time, they were to do it the exact same regardless of changing circumstances, you would think that’s a bad candidate. Somebody wouldn’t want to hire.
It’s the same thing with test design. A good test versus a bad test is about value and it’s about focusing on what that test is going to do: its Mission. And so you can’t have the same approach to every kind of test because that means you’re not providing value. You’re not actually aiming to achieve your mission with the testing.
So if you see advice, or you read advice about good test versus bad test and it’s like you should make sure that all your tests are repeatable that’s just not the case.
For example, with boundary analysis and equivalence class partitioning, you don’t want repeatable test because they’re not built to be repeatable. Sure you could repeat them but now that test is no longer very useful and it’s probably not worth running again.
So it’s really challenging.
I will probably write an article about this too but if you’re ever thinking about how to write good test versus bad test, think about the value and think about the mission of the test itself. Then, try and think of all the different types of attributes that might make something valuable now, and something less valuable.
And then focus, on those things that deliver value, whether their power, whether the repeatability, whether they’re easier for coverage, for understanding that, because the better that we get as a community and better, we become better at testing will see that there are lots of different ways we can run tests.
And the more we understand that the more skilled and knowledgeable about our craft would become and this other kind of cool thing is that you can really set yourself apart from other people who may be interviewing.
If you can easily tell someone what a good test isn’t a bad test. If you are looking at someone’s test and going these are all scenario test you built the same thing just over and over again. How come you’re not varying anything?
All of a sudden you are in a much better position, out of all the other candidates because you can easily differentiate your work from their work and you can tie it to value.
So, that’s my rant today about good test versus bad test.
Have a great day, everyone.