Upgrading to WebDriverIO 5

A few weeks ago I finished upgrading our implementation of WebDriverIO from version 4 to version 5. The impetus for the upgrade was an announcement by the WebDriverIO twitter account of a new beta version 6 to be quickly followed by a finished version (it’s already here). One thing was clear: you have to be on v5 to go to v6 and each new subsequent version would only be supported for a year. Time to upgrade!

I’d been on version 4 since I originally deployed WebDriverIO in mid 2018. I knew version 5 was out but I had no immediate plans to upgrade given all of the warnings around breaking changes.
This isn’t to say I wasn’t preparing myself. I created a JIRA ticket to outline what the work might look like. I was going through the TestAutomationU course on WebDriverIO which uses V5 and of course practicing in my own repo. With confirmation of the EOL of version 4 it was time to move on.
I scoped out more of the work in JIRA (and also made a story to upgrade to v6). I bookmarked a few important articles including the WebDriverIO blog post announcing version 5 which highlights, among other things, specifically How to Upgrade. Then I made note of the methods that were either changing or being replaced for easier reference.
Upgrading to WebDriverIO 5
Finally it was time for the upgrade itself. The first question I needed to answer was logistical: how do I approach making the changes? Create a whole new repo, install the new packages and then move my tests over? Or just upgrade in place? Despite the daunting feeling I had, I figured it would be easier to upgrade in place and deal with the test failing as they came. This would introduce less changes than actually trying to move things over. Then it was time to follow the recommendations in the blog post:
- Remove node_module
- Remove all wdio-* packages from
- Install the latest version of webdriverio:
$ npm install webdriverio@latest
- Note: if you did this today, you’d want to
npm install webdriverio@5
however I’d recommend going straight to v6 instead of going to v5 and then v6.
- Note: if you did this today, you’d want to
- Install the new wdio testrunner:
$ npm install @wdio/cli --save-dev
- I have multiple configuration files and so I didn’t need to back them up. Rather I created a new one as part of the webdriverio configuration wizard. Then I eventually migrated / pruned the original ones until they were what I wanted.
- Rerun the configuration wizard:
$ npx wdio config
All the Broken Things
Bam! WebDriverIO 5 deployed. Kind of. The easy part was done, next up was running each test one at a time, starting with the easiest / shortest tests. (I usually start with low hanging fruit so that I build momentum). When a test failed, I’d find out where and why (due to a rename or deprecation) and make a change. Rise and repeat for the whole test suite.
If this sounds simple, that’s because it was. All it took was time to remember where things were and why something was done a certain way and then make a change. 90% of the time this worked fine.
Other times it was more complicated. In at least one instance I ran into a breaking change, the functionality that was there before didn’t exist in the new version. I commented out 2 tests and moved on. (Speaking of which, I need to open a bug report about this).
While it’s never fun to take something that’s working and break it just to upgrade, it does have some side benefits. Such as…. I fixed a few remaining bad ternary statements. Then cleaned up some unused libraries / plugins that I installed for some reason but can’t possibly remember anymore. Also refactored a bit of my code to make things simpler. When I was going through the TestAutomationU course I got to see how the author structured her tests. Now I have a new task to break apart my larger tests into smaller more defined tests with less assertions.
All of this is to say, once you start making changes to improve one thing, it can snowball and lead to even more improvements.
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